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Read This Article If You Want To Learn About Insurance
Winston Takeda
Insurance is a tricky subject. It seems like something that we all know about, but most of us don\’t realize just how deep it goes into daily life. Sure, we know about car, home and health insurance, but most of us are completely unaware of how many other areas in life it exists. The truth is that without it, much of what we know today wouldn\’t even exist. There\’s plenty of risk involved in everyday life, especially when you think of business ventures. That\’s why it\’s a good idea to understand it, so you can appreciate it more.
Think about a farmer. He\’s taking a huge risk by planting a crop. Think about all the things that could happen to the price of corn between now and when his corn is ready to pick. Think of all the weather systems, out of his control, that could damage his crops. Would you invest your money in the stock market if your broker told you that if the weather was bad, you\’d lose everything? Of course not. That\’s why farmers buy all kinds of insurance for their crops.
Think of a movie producer. He or she is investing millions of dollars on a project that may take years to complete. Hundreds, even thousands of people are involved, and he\’s paying them all out of his pocket, in hopes that he\’ll make his investment back when the movie is finally released. Anything goes wrong, and he\’s in trouble. The actors could go on strike, or even current events may preclude the movie\’s release. That\’s why he will buy all kinds of coverage.
What about a start athlete who\’s making millions a year? Think of a baseball pitcher, or a professional ice skater. What would happen if they were to get injured, and could perform any more? Would they simply find another line of work? Forget about the millions they\’d been getting for years? Of course not. They buy all kinds of coverage for their body parts. They would be foolish not to.
So you see, insurance isn\’t just for cars and health and houses. It\’s for everything that\’s worth money, that could be taken away due to unforeseen calamity. Without it, people would be terrified of taking risks. Farmers wouldn\’t plant crops, and producers wouldn\’t make movies. What kind of world would that be? Not only would there not be any movies, but there wouldn\’t be any popcorn either. And that is certainly not a world I\’d like to live in. Would you?
To find some
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, then you\’d better get on over here and check out some of these insurance insights. Like how to find out if your
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is a friend or a foe.
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