- Real Estate Adamstown
By Artur Victoria
. Cellular organization
. Functions division for independent action.
. Ignorance of the dimension of the group;
. Systematic collection of information and intelligence;
. Measures of counterintelligence sophisticated systems of communications;
. Surveillance techniques and control (external and internal)
. Adoption of codes: conduct and rewards.
.Camouflage activities
. Money laundry.
– OPERATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Extent of enlarged action
. Permanent operational and stabilized legal and illegal businesses (illicit and lawful)
. Criminological interface
In the antecedent points, it was characterized, the phenomena of the organized criminality, concluding, in the plan of the concrete actions, the criminal activities have different and multiples faces manifested through some more violent, other more soft and light behaviors.
The organized criminality is revealed in several fields, holding ‘modus operandi” traditional and innovative. They and contemplate activities areas, products and goods of “value increased” in the society, materials as immaterial: the human life, the safety, the socio-economical stability, the trust in the authority structures, the money, or the power.
Globally, it is attended a growing internationalization of the organized crime.
The existent communication means (people”s and goods fast mobility instant contact by the net or others electronic communications.), the intense circulation of products and incomes in the international circuits, among other factors, they propitiate the extension of the criminal activities for organized groups in several countries, leading an international cooperation and interdependence among the national criminal organizations of the involved countries.
In 1990, – Congress of the United Nations about the prevention of the crime – it contained the criminal activities with international character in five great areas: type mobster”s activities; terrorist type activities; economic and financial type fraudulent activities;
Smuggling art objects.
Summarizing the fields of organized criminal actions, are identified:
– Terrorist operations;
– Operations of (big) traffic: drugs, weapons, automobiles, works of art, also of people (with purposes of sexual or economical exploration) and, more recently, of nuclear technological components (of the countries of the European east for several Arab countries and emerging regional potencies);
– Falsification and counterfeit operations: of coins, credit titles (namely, travelers-checks) and credit cards;
– Smuggling operations – Fraud operations in marine and modern safe piracy versions;
– Operations informatics crimes with the help of new technologies;
The organized crime gets each time more current (and popular) expression – as referred in the antecedent Point Through the terrorist activities, of the illicit traffic of drugs and new types of mobster”s activities. The growing tendency for an involvement of the terrorist groups in the world of the organized crime is a road of the multiple established criminal interdependences (examples: drugs traffic in Latin America; “cultural” terrorism in the Italian cities, while eventual form of pressure of the Mafia on the authorities and the Italian State that, with effectiveness, they are trying to combat).
Let us analyze, with a little more of detail, these three expressions of the organized crime.
For organized crime it can be understand as the group of criminal acts, done under the repeated form and fruit of continuous activities, systematically operated in with implantation levels – national, international or transnational
The organized structure con substantiate itself, fundamentally through two methodologies: incommunicativeness to the same action level and separation of responsibilities) inside the group.
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