By Jessica Ackerman
An interesting lamp can definitely add a decorative touch to your den. However, instead of settling for a boring store-bought lampshade, why not make your own from an old map? You can choose a map that will coordinate with the overall theme of your room. For example, you could use a map from your favorite vacation spot, or from a location that has significance for you or your family. Or, choose a map from a place that you would like to visit someday. If you already have the wire frame from an old or damaged lampshade, you can use it as the base for your new lampshade. Here are some design tips you can use to create your own map lampshade.
Start with a Lampshade Frame
If you already have a plain lampshade for your lamp, you can use it as your starting point. However, if the frame is already damaged, you might have to create a replica of it, using wire. If you do need to create your own frame, you can unbend and use old wire coat hangers. Simply measure the wire pieces of the existing frame, cut the pieces, and bend them into shape. You can simply twist the ends of the wires together so that the shape will hold properly. However, using an existing lampshade frame is definitely the easiest method to use. Once you have your lampshade frame, you’re ready to start measuring and cutting the map.
Tracing and Cutting the Shade
Aside from choosing a map that visually appeals to you, size is the most important selection criteria. It’s important to remember that a tapered shade will require a larger map to cover it, as compared to one that is drum-like in shape. This is because you will need to cut a curved shape to cover the frame, as opposed to a rectangular one. In order to avoid cutting your map incorrectly, you should first create a lampshade pattern on a large piece of scrap paper. To create the pattern, first create a mark on the lampshade. Then, roll the lampshade along the paper, starting at the mark, tracing the edges of the wire lampshade frame as you go. When you’ve reached the mark again, you’ve finished tracing the entire shade. Enlarge the size of the traced shape by about a half inch, so that you will be able to overlap and glue the shade onto the frame. Once you have your pattern drawn, cut it out and use it to trace the shape onto your map. Then, cut the shape out of the map.
Finishing the Lampshade
You can use tacky craft glue to attach the map shade to your frame. Start by placing your cut map piece face down on a protected work surface, Then, add a bit of glue to the top and bottom edges of your frame. Place the frame on the back side of the map surface, rolling it so that the map covers the frame. You can then overlap the free edge of the map shape, attaching it to the other edge of the map using glue. Wrap the free edges of the map paper to the inside of the frame, securing with glue. Then, cover the top and bottom edges with decorative trim to hide the glued areas. Let dry, then place on your lamp base and enjoy your new map lampshade.
About the Author: Jessica Ackerman is a freelance writer and works for WallDecorandHomeAccents.com. She shares her wealth of knowledge on
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