Joomla! An open source content management framework (CMF)
Joomla is an open source content management framework. It is used to publish content on the World Wide Web and intranets and a model view controller (MVC) Web application framework that can also be used independently. It is an application written in PHP and uses object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques. It stores data in a MySQL or MS SQL database. It is a multi functional Open Source framework for creating websites.
Following are the web properties, for which Joomla could be used:
Content Management System
Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS). It enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.
Modules and Components
Users all over the world create new add-ons and extensions in Joomla because it is an open source framework and available to all. Every user can download their required extension or component from Joomla Extension Directory for free.
Integrating WordPress
Joomla is a great framework that allows integration with WordPress, i.e. if you are already working on WordPress but want to have Joomla then you don t have to lose the fantastic features of WordPress like blogging, as you can run a WordPress blog from within Joomla and manage everything with the one administrative login. To do this, you simply have to instruct your developer to install the WordPress for Joomla plug-in and link everything together. This allows you to use Joomla as your CMS and WordPress as your blog. Each system is doing what they were initially made to do, all within one admin.
E-Commerce with Joomla
There are several E-Commerce components available for Joomla. It lets the user manage products and content in one place. It is quite powerful with e-commerce websites as once you get it installed; it is quite easy to manage. The standard Joomla component for e-commerce website is Virtuemart .
Other Industries that use Joomla:
Advertising and Marketing
Financial Services
Healthcare and Life Sciences
Public Sector
Real Estate
Information Technology
Public Relations
Apparel & Fashion
Non Profit
And many more .
Benefits of using Joomla:
Joomla is an open source framework
It is an open source web technology and that is why; it is easily available. A Joomla website can function and present more finely than any multi-million dollar website.
It is available for free
Because of its open source web technology, it is available for free. Users or developers need not put extra money for acquiring it. That is why; is it economical as well.
Revamping is easy
Corporate organizations, which want to change the look of their website very often, to ensure the freshness of their website could use Joomla as their framework. It manages the look and feel of the website by using a template based structure. That way, a designer can implement changes into a template and with a simple click, it swap the existing look of the website. Thus, there is no complicated procedures of copying pages, or migrating a website into its new look.
Huge development community
Joomla has a huge community of developers as it is one of the most widely used CMS systems and programmed in .PHP language which are widely used by developers. With an online community of 45,000 registered developers to support its expansion and share new code and innovation, Joomla has a long way to go.
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