
How To Provide A Work Platform Free Of Strain Injuries}

How to Provide a Work Platform Free of Strain Injuries


Jamez Parker

Musculoskeletal Disorders also known as MSDs are caused by incorrect and repetitive manual handling, which includes all operations that need someone to lift or support some kind of load. MSDs are often serious or long lasting and also can have destructive health implications. It is one of the most accounted injury and over a million peoples are affected per year. The associated cost, rehab and staff replacement training are quite up.

There was an amendment made in 2002 in manual handling operations regulations 1992, with a moral to decrease the risk of tasks relevant to MSDs. The required employers should:

Avoid Hazardous material/stuff handling operations as much as its reasonably practical

Analyze all hazardous materials handling tasks that cannot be avoided

Reduce the risk of injury so far as is reasonably practical.

Asses all the duties in the business that include manual handling and analyze whether they are necessary or not.

Mechanical aids, such as service lifts, hoists and forklift trucks are helpful in removing hazardous tasks.

Safety Training can inform workers of the main areas to be examined

1.Task: Does it include stooping, bending, pulling, sudden gestures, precise positioning of weight or extravagant traveling? Try to reassemble storage facilities to utilize the space available. Storing heavy items at mid-chest height makes them convenient to handle.

2.Weight: is there excessive weight, bulky, extra warm, cold or difficult to grasp? Is the contents likely to shift, unbalancing the weight distribution? Try to break the the load into easily lift-able packs if applicable. Otherwise you may need a hand of machinery to lift up extra heavy load like Forklift etc.

3.Capability: analyze the average capability of employees and make sure that they are capable of lifting weight/ handle the task. Consider those who are pregnant, disabled or have a physical weakness. Avail them with the accurate and good protective dress and safety materials. Safety training on safe lifting techniques can decrease the risks of injury guide them about lifting and carrying techniques.

4. Premises: make sure that manual handling task do not take place on improper or slipper surface and no hurdles are placed in their route. The ambiance of the workspace must be friendly to work in. If the surface is uneven (having steps and ramps etc.) then prefer machine aid instead of manual lifting.

After analyzing each work/task, safety training on the best and appropriate safety procedure is recommended.

James parker is an author who is use to write informative articles about

Safety Training

, safe lifting,

Forklift Training

and emergency evacuation procedures ete etc. His articles are fond useful to firms to get some well experienced safety and security companies as well as some acknowledgment about how to deal in emergency situations. For further queries contact us at:

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How to Provide a Work Platform Free of Strain Injuries
