- Australian Aboriginal Artefacts
How do you stop Christmas trees from dropping needles?
Graham Willett
How many times after Christmas is over and you have long gotten rid of your Christmas tree have you found that you are still battling with dropped Christmas tree needles? How great would it be if there was a solution to this problem? The short answer would be to simply buy a Christmas tree that was devoid of any needles but then you would be paying for nothing more than a skeleton of a Christmas tree and that would not be very Christmas like at all. If you are going to own a Christmas tree, you are going to have needles and Christmas tree needles are going to drop and get all over your carpet as well as get stuck in your foot from time to time.
There are many quick fixes to the problem of dropped Christmas tree needles but rarely do they work with any effectiveness. One technique is to apply a glue type substance that can be sprayed on. Another scheme is to manipulate the trunk of the tree so it is at an angle that will optimise water consumption. The Christmas tree runs into a problem when this is done because the manipulation leads to it actually receiving less water. Some people will decide that an artificial Christmas tree is the answer to their problem of dropped Christmas tree needles. This solves one problem but creates another one: how can there be a Christmas without the familiar Christmas tree smell? Fake Christmas trees do not have a Christmas tree smell!
A better way than having to use glues and mangling the trunk of a Christmas tree is by hiring a Christmas tree. A hired Christmas tree is both shaped well (thanks to diligent pruning) and indigenous to the local area. When a hired Christmas tree is hired a team of workers deliver it to your home and you decorate it as you see fit. The Christmas tree will be a live tree. It is potted and has a complete root system. Live Christmas trees (unlike cut trees) do not loose their needles. When you no longer require the services of your hired Christmas tree the Christmas tree hire service workers arrive to take your tree from you. But do not worry for the fate of your hired Christmas tree. It will be planted with other hired Christmas trees to form a nature area to be enjoyed by people and animals. Because, as previously mentioned, the trees are indigenous animals are not harmed in any way that can be attributed to the introduction of a non-native species. When the tree has been returned to the wild it begins rewarding the environment by offsetting your carbon footprint. As a matter of fact, if everyone who bought a Christmas tree in the United Kingdom would hire a Christmas tree the after effects would be a carbon footprint offset by eight million tonnes each year.
If your worry is a Christmas tree that drops needles all over your carpet you could get out your glue and saw to make the necessary changes but who wants a Frankenstein Christmas tree? Who wants a product that you have to modify so much? Why not make Christmas easy on you and the environment? Hire a Christmas tree.
Graham is the Founder of The Little Tree Company and The Little Tree Community Gardens Project, if you want to learn more about
christmas tree hire
rent a Christmas tree
hire a Christmas tree
; visit our website.
Article Source: ArticleRich.com