
Having A Great Facebook Fan Welcome Page

Having A Great Facebook Fan Welcome Page by DarenFacebook has 500 million users and that presents a small business like yours with an amazing opportunity to reach more customers than you ever thought possible. One of the best way to do this is to use a Facebook Fan Page. A Facebook Fan Page is somewhere that you can have current and potential customers go to learn everything about your company so that in many ways, your Facebook Fan Page can serve as a website for your business on the most popular website in the history of the Internet. However, you want to make your Facebook Welcome Page, the page your users see first, really great and this is how you do that. 1. First thing you need to do is to make sure your Facebook Fan Page is easy to find. Facebook gives you an address you can use but once you reach 25 fans, you can customize it to say Do this when you have the chance so it is easier for your customers to find.2. Next, you want to put as much as you can on your Facebook Fan Page. Under the information, tell your customers about your company, and include right on the main page how they can reach you. Be concise but detailed so your future customers know exactly what you are selling.3. The Facebook Fan Page Welcome Page is the first thing people see when they go to the fan page so you want to make sure they see what you want them to see. Put your latest deals right on your Facebook Fan Page wall. That way customers will see your latest deals, offerings and more, right away.4. In addition, you want to get people from your fan page to your website, so offer new fans a coupon code that they can then take to your web site and use to buy items at a discounted rate. You can go further and offer incentives for customers who find you more fans, by offering them, and the new fans, more deals that drives more traffic to your website. 5. Lastly, Be very interactive on your fan page. Talk with your fans, interact with them, answer questions and more. This will make it easier for your fans to get to know you and to trust your business, which is very important in the world of small business.When choosing a company to help you build your small business brand online consider Bold Branding We specialize in Custom Facebook Fan Page design for small businesses. Visit our website to checkout some of our recent designs.Article Source:
