Elearning in Bhubaneswar
E-learning e-learning e-learning! We come across this word in our daily conversation. What does it mean? As the name indicates e-learning is a computer and network enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. Its application and process includes- web based training (WBT), computer based training (CBT) and digital collaborations. Content is delivered through internet, intranet/extranet, audio-video tapes, CDs etc. It can be self placed or instructor led and includes media in the form of text, image, animation, streaming audio and video. It is commonly thought that new technology can make a big difference in learning and training. This initiative has been taken up by Hexalearn – the only IT/ITES based company to start the trend of
e-learning in Bhubaneswar
E-learning has made training and learning easily accessible on your finger tips. There are deficiencies in our current education system. This gap disables the corporate in getting relevant skilled manpower and to fulfill this gap the only bridge between individual and knowledge is a trainer. How can a trainer train his participants/learners unless he is fully equipped with the tools and materials required for training? And make his participants/learners understand the subjects in one go. There s no doubt that the trainer may be an expert in that particular subject area. But what about the trainees? Everyone doesn t have the same level of understanding. This gap may lead to underperformance irrespective of being trained by a good trainer. As we know, every brain works differently and keeping this important aspect in mind, e-learning proves to be the best medium that makes a difference. As it provides you with different types of activities such as, Text, Videos, Animations and many more it becomes easy for the individual to understand in whichever medium he wants to.
E-learning provides you the ability to replay training parts over and over in order to understand the subject. It simply doesn t mean that e-learning intends to replace the traditional mode of training using a board and a pen rather it aims at creating an extraordinary, simple to understand and retain training environment where technology is being delivered to a wide range of training techniques to maximize individuals participation and performance both at a same time.
E-learning provides you the opportunity to gain knowledge and enhance your skills anytime, anywhere round the globe.Hexalearn being a young company in the corporate sector has already made significant in-roads in the field of online education or e-learning across the clientele and geography. Hexalearn has signed MoUs with many indigenous and foreign clients to empower knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) to their employees through designing and developing high-quality online courses. Moreover, with the help of e-learning the goal of world without boundaries has been gainfully achieved. Hexalearn enables you to understand complex ideas in a very easy way providing its services of
e-learning in Bhubaneswar
and globally.
For more information, visit
HexaLearn Solutions
Author: Rabindrajit Singh
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