Submitted by: Mariya Nikol
Bathroom cleaning is one of the chores that you are least likely to enjoy and instead hire domestic cleaners for. Part of the reason is that the room is used daily and so the need to clean it is never ending. It pays to know how you can address the task of cleaning the bathroom and how to keep it clean for longer.
Often it is the experts opinion on such matters that makes the most difference. Following a few proven techniques for keeping the place clean can reduce the need to bother with cleaning on a daily basis. There is no need to feel stressed about cleaning the bathroom, if you implement these methods and techniques into your routine:
Keep air circulating one of the biggest problems for bathrooms is moisture and water that stays for too long. The main issue is that it creates hard water deposits and contributes to mould and mildew growth. The solution is rather simple always leave the door and/or window of your bathroom open after every time you take a shower. This will help moisture evaporate quicker.
Use a squeegee another great tip for reducing moisture in the bathroom is to use a squeegee every time after you use the shower. It may seem like a hassle, but a few minutes more to wipe down surfaces and ensure the water doesnt sit on the curtains and walls is going to greatly reduce the need to clean.
Air dry towels towels dry much quicker when you spread them on poles and not hooks on the wall. That way much more of their surfaces will be exposed to air and so the drying will be more thorough. In addition, this will further discourage mould growth.
Use vinegar instead of scrubbing and rubbing like crazy using harsh chemicals, you can achieve great results in your bathroom by using vinegar. Make a 50/50 mixture of water/vinegar in a spray bottle and use it to keep grime and scum off your walls. The same solution does wonders on the faucets and the showerhead. Tie a plastic bag full of vinegar around the showerhead overnight and then rinse. Any hard water and mineral deposits will come right off.
Apply water repellent in order to reduce the need to clean as often, you can apply water repellent to surfaces around the shower area. That water will not remain on them for long, thus not causing the need to clean regularly.
Do a little cleaning every day if you invest just a few minutes of your day to clean one area of the bathroom every single day, you will reduce the need to clean on a regular basis. Most importantly, you will reduce the effort needed to maintain the place clean.
Bathroom cleaning is definitely something you can learn a lot about from domestic cleaners. It definitely pays to be prepared with such knowledge, as it can make a world of difference in the long run.
If you want to have a perfectly clean property, you must hire your Domestic Cleaning London service today by contacting 020 8884 9147.
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