Are You A Parent Whose Child Needs Potty Toilet Training?
Muna wa Wanjiru
Then read on for some great tips and ideas to get your toddler potty trained. Once you have successfully, potty toilet trained your baby then you are assured freedom from nappies and huge changing bags that you have to carry along everywhere.
But, first things first. Let’s get the facts straight. It certainly is not a very easy and smooth sailing task to get your dear little baby to be potty toilet trained. It requires tremendous patience from the part of the mother to understand her child and help the child with potty toilet training. It is love, understanding and care that will help your toddler be potty trained. Nothing else works. You just have to wait patiently till your child lets go of the fear for potties and decides that he or she can trust you completely and allow them to be potty trained.Before you venture into potty toilet training make sure that your child is ready for potty training, and make sure that you gather up as much energy as you can as you are surely going to need it for a long time to come. It may take 2 months to potty train your child or it may even take up to 6 months but whatever the period just be patient with your child and your child will respond. It is your motivation, support and calm attitude that it finally going to do the trick. Next your toddler should also be old enough to indicate that they need to do their potty. This normally happens when children are around 18months old. But some kids can use diapers till they are nearly three years old.Make your toddler familiar with the toilet and allow them to play with the flush so that become familiar with the place. Also allow them o sit on the potty chair without forcing them to do so. Do it in a playful manner. Show them how you flush the soiled diaper contents into the toilet bowl using the flush.You have to keenly observe your child as when your toddler wants to urinate or do their potty they will suddenly stop whatever they are doing and will become silent and calm with a serious look in the process of their potty toilet training. This is an indication that they are ready to do potty.Try taking your child every hour to the toilet and help him or her to urinate inside the toilet bowl and also help them to flush after it. This will be a sort of playful method for them, as they get very excited when they see water gushing suddenly into the closet bowl. Also, you can run water from the tap and produce a hissing sound which will also help them to relax and urinate.For potty toilet training get them to sit on their potty chairs an hour after a big meal, and hand them some toy so they can play with it and they will forget that they are actually sitting on potty chairs and doing their potty. Once they are totally relaxed they will let go and do their potty and a great headache would have been taken off your shoulders.
Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Toilet Training for Years. For More Information on potty toilet training, Visit His Site at
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Are You A Parent Whose Child Needs Potty Toilet Training?}