Facial Plastic Surgery

Medical Spa: A Rejuvenating Way To Relax For The Day

Submitted by: Abigail Aaronson

Many people visit medical spas to relax from the day. If you are looking for a place to unwind, then you may want to consider visiting one of these facilities.

During the hustle and bustle of daily life, many of us do not have time relax and pamper ourselves. We spend so many hours at work or shuffling the kids around that we forget to calm down. If you are one of those individuals who is constantly on the run, then you may want to consider making a trip to a medical spa, either by yourself or with friends.

A medical spa is kind of like a clinic and a day spa under one roof. Unlike a day spa, however, the medical version is usually operated with all treatments supervised by a medical doctor. It is important to know if the doctor is qualified and before getting any services done at the facility. It is also important to know the qualifications of those actually administering the spa treatments.


Even though the business needs to be under the watch of a doctor, he or she does not always have to be on the premises. Many spas will be managed by the same doctor who rotates to different facilities. It is also important to know how longer the doctor has been operating the facility and if they receive regular training.

At a medical spa, you can relax and get a massage or other body treatments. However most go to a medical spa to get treatments such as Botox injections, laser resurfacing and other treatments that require medical expertise. You can also get many other services such as acupuncture or other forms of counseling.

At a medical spa, you can fix certain imperfections such as redness or brown spots and that cannot be treated by a normal esthetician. Many people also get laser hair removal if they have a lot of unwanted hair in certain areas.

A popular treatment is Botox, which is used to treat wrinkles. During these Botox injections, the doctor makes the muscle unable to contract, which means the wrinkle goes away. Usually Botox injections will last for three to six months and should be done regularly. Others will get microdermabrasion or other procedures used to fix the skin.

The prices can be very expensive for some treatments, so make sure you shop around and find a facility offering services in your price range. If you use laser and skin tightening procedures or certain types of facials, then these can be very expensive because of the state of the art technology that you need.

If you decide to go to a medical spa, make sure you ask your friends if they have been to one that they like. You may also want to look around the internet to see if there are any reviews of facilities in your area. Many businesses also offer incentive coupons to encourage you to try out the services. Make sure you shop around and find a spa in your price range.

Make sure you do independent research and find a facility that offers services that you need. There are a variety of different procedures that you can have done there that positively impact your health.

About the Author: Get state-of-the-art medical treatments with the ultimate pampering and relaxation experience in a medical spa. Pittsburgh day spa provides the most advanced procedures available that will beautify your skin and combat the signs of aging. Visit


to learn more.



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