
Do You Need An Auto Accident Lawyer In Olympia WA?

byAlma Abell

One of the biggest mistakes accident victims make is thinking they can handle their injury claim on their own. While a simple fender bender may not require the help of a lawyer, serious auto accidents often do. Because there is no charge for seeking a consultation with the Auto Accident Lawyer in Olympia WA, injured individuals can learn more about their rights without compromising their finances.


When a personal injury has resulted from an auto accident, the steps a victim takes directly after the accident are vital for them being able to receive fair compensation. A victim first needs to call the police so they can come out to the scene of the accident and draw up a report. These reports are important for proving liability, damages, and injuries.

After seeking medical attention, it is wise for a victim to seek legal advice from the Auto Accident Lawyer in Olympia WA. Although not required, it behooves a victim to work with their lawyer before they attempt to speak with the insurance adjuster handling their claim so they can be sure they do not make any mistakes or provide information that could cause their claim to be denied.

If the insurance company is being unfair in offering a settlement, the lawyer will begin the process of pursuing a lawsuit, which involves:

  • Informing the plaintiff of the intent to file a lawsuit
  • Filing the necessary paperwork in court
  • Going through the discovery process
  • Handling pre-trial motions and depositions
  • Going through the actual trial before a judge or jury

The sooner an accident victim gets a lawyer involved, the better the chances vital evidence can be gathered for the pursuit. A lawyer helps guide their client through each stage in pursuing compensation so needless mistakes and issues can be avoided.

Those who have been injured in a serious auto accident that was the fault of another driver are urged to seek help from Putnam Lieb Potvin Attorneys at Law. Call today so they can schedule your consultation appointment and you can learn if they can help you in your case. With the help of a lawyer, you can receive a fair outcome.