Skin Care

Herbs For Infertility, Anyone?

Submitted by: Low Jeremy

Since 1237 A. D. when the first formal study of the herbs for curing infertility was conducted in China, contemporary man still finds great uses with this ancient knowledge.

While many may smear at the idea of using strange leaves and other plant species, they still deserve to be given proper places in the medical world.

With over 150 known herbs for curing infertility, it is impossible that an infertile person would not respond to one. Not all herbal medicines come in herb forms. In fact, herbs for infertility treatment are transformed into some forms that others would not typify as something organic. The most common of which are the tablets, pills, decoctions and powders which are as potent as those that are in their original modes.


With all herbs, there are too few that have therapeutic value as approved by the drugs authority and the medical circles. Nonetheless, this does not dispute the effectivity of the herbs. In fact, it is continuously closing into the medical community that the herbs and other alternative medicines must be used in conjunction with the western approach, thus bringing a balance for more effective outcomes.

For our common senses, we still cannot readily accept that beliefs such as energies, bad spirits and the likes should be dealt and used as foundations for cure in medicine. Well, such are the reasons why they are duly called “alternatives”. But the matter of fact is, you need not believe in their underlying principles, you just have to have faith that they may “help” cure you.

Some of the more commonly used herbs as cure for infertility are the Xi Xian Cao (Siegesbeckia) and Yi Mu Cao (Leonurus).

During a recent study in China, these two herbs when combined may induce the effect of releasing the blockage in the fallopian tube, which is a major problem among infertile women.

This is the result of having some form of infection or inflammation, scar, excess mucous and thickening of the tissue that lines the tubes. As observed during the study, women who were put into experimentation responded within 10 days, all showing the effects (at a rate of 10 days!) that may not be had even with the highest of the technologies that we employ here in the west.

The herbs aside, essential oils may also prove helpful when undergoing alternative treatment along with the use of acupuncture. In fact, some authorities agree that acupuncture is enough to cure the cause of the infertility. However, to be safe let us presume that we need to use other techniques to benefit from the results.

About the Author: This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on infertility, what causes it & where to get advice, please visit


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