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Having your boyfriend breakup with you is not what you expected to happen when your relationship began. It breaks your heart and is the loneliest feeling in the world. you know you will never be able to forget him and you do not want him to forget you. You wish you knew how to make him see his mistake and want you again. The answer is to use these 3 steps to get inside his head and make him crave your love.
To get inside your ex boyfriend’s head, you will have to let him go for a while. Do not chase, call or email him. He needs to think you have forgotten him and might be ready to move on. Show him you have the strength to accept the breakup and respect his wishes. To do this you will have to get a grip on your emotions. He is expecting you to come after him, so show him he is wrong.
Step #1. Stop All Contact With Your Ex Boyfriend
This will not be easy because your intuition is going to tell you to stay close so he wont find someone else. But, if you ignore him, you will get inside his head and his only thoughts will be why you no longer want him. This is using male psychology to keep you on his mind. The time apart will let him experience his life with out you and allow you to get your emotions under control.
Step #2. Take An Honest Look At Yourself
How have you changed since you first met your guy? Are you still the carefree independent woman he was attracted to? Do you always look your best when he is around? It is so easy to get too comfortable and think you can let things slide a little. But your ex boyfriend will notice and it actually become a form of not respecting him enough to put in the effort to look your best.
If you have become too dependent on your ex boyfriend, or too pushy in an effort to get him to commit, you will have to work on those personality problems. If you have let your appearance get a little sloppy that can be changed fast. Go get a new hair style, manicure and the shop for some hot new clothes.
Step# 3. Now You Are Here – Now You Are Not
Now that you are looking desirable again, you need to let your ex boyfriend see what he has lost. Get some friends together and go out on the town. Be sure to include a couple of great looking guys in your group and stop by the place your ex hangs out. Make sure he gets a good look at you, give him a big smile then leave. You will be inside his head and he will come looking for you.
But, you will be nowhere to be found. Take a vacation or a trip to visit relatives and friends you haven’t seen for awhile. Your ex boyfriend will be afraid you have run off with one of the guys he saw in your group. When you get back and your ex boyfriend is finally able to contact you, it will be easy to see that you are the main thought on his mind and you have made him crave your love.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/relationship-articles/breakups-separation-articles/3-positive-steps-get-inside-your-ex-boyfriends-head-make-him-crave-your-love-437729.html
About Author:
If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful SiteAuthor: Hal Archer